The West of England Steam Engine Societys 28th Annual Rally featuring a 1937 Ruston Hornsby Type HR 35 hp stationary engine owned by Michael Edwards of Pendeen, Cornwall.
West of England Steam Engine Society's 28th Annual Rally. A Mardsen stone crusher built in 1920 and driven by John Dyke's Wallis & Steevens S/C Traction Engine 2672.
"GLADIATOR" A typical showman's road locomotive. ten or a dozen of this type of engine could be seen on fairgrounds throughout Devon and Cornwall until they were superseded by diesel power in the 1940s.
Supplied to Anderton & Rowland in 1909 and…
Penzance Viaduct the lowest built by Brunel being 15ft above High Water. Suffered storm damage many times & was replaced by Granite Embankment in 1920s