A postcard featuring a drawing by Thomas Rowlandson (1756-1827) depicting a circular railway laid down by Richard Trevithick in 1808 on a site which is now Torrington Square, near Euston Station. The locomotive was designed by Trevithick and called…
West of England Steam Engine Society's 28th Annual Rally. A Mardsen stone crusher built in 1920 and driven by John Dyke's Wallis & Steevens S/C Traction Engine 2672.
Penwithers Viaduct. The first viaduct after leaving Truro on the Falmouth branch. This structure was 'filled in' to make an embankment in 1926. Depicts a steam train on the bridge with a cottage in the foreground and four men with a car. (Opie 636)
A passenger train on a Brunel viaduct. In the foreground is a man wearing a hat and long coat with a walking stick, standing near a stone wall, and apparently timing the train.