Steam ploughing by brothers Robin & Charles Daniel. The plough is a 5 furrow antibalance plough built by Fowlers of Leeds in 1911. The plough was pulled by 2 Steam Traction Engines positioned at oppositeends of the field.
Detailed view of carved exterior. Refer to ENT 8.1 & ENT 6.3 1911 98 Key Marenghi "Military Band" Organ playing the Melodies of the Masters. Travelled with Anderton & Rowland Venetian Gondolas & Dragon Scenic Rides until late 1930
Modern copy of an old photoCrowlas Town looking West towards the Bridge & Star Inn. Many of theGardens & Walls were changed when A30 built in early 1930s
Modern copy of an old photo. Photograph taken from outside Old Inn on extreme right. Opposite is the Old Smithy owned by Ernest Curnow who lived in adjoining house with Post Box in Wall. Lane at end of his house led to cottages known as The…
Modern copy of an old photo. Looking west towards Pz. In the distance on right is Star Inn. The Wooden Gable ended shop on the left is that of Mr Harvey who traded as a Basket Maker.
Modern copy of an old photo. Looking east towards Hayle from Bridge. Note Earthenware Water Carrier with Pitchers with water from Shoot which was up road to the left of Horse & Cart. Part of the Star Inn on the left.
1898 Postcard of Crowlas by Bragg of Truro typical itinerant Photographers Village Postcard recently made legal by Govt. Cost 1d each & halfpenny postage to anywhere
Whistle Cottage, St Levan. Properly named Mount Whistle, situated near St Buryan Bottoms but in the parish of St Levan and on the periphery of the farm holding of Trengothal (St Aubyn Estates, Ltd). Photo taken in 1960. There has since been an…