Browse Items (104 total)

  • Collection: Trevaskis Collection

Portrait of a Lady, well dressed in black and white sitting by a small table.

Farmyard scene. Double fronted granite farmhouse in the background.Woman looks on a number of cows are in the yard. In the middle of the image a man holds the bridles of two horses with a dog in front. To the right of the image stand three young…

Young man with pony and cart. Cart is stationary and pony is being held by the bridle. Person in cart is obscured.

TJ .94.tif
Group of three men and three women in front of double fronted granite house.

Portrait of well dressed young man standing by a pedestal with dog sitting on pedestal.

TJ .92.tif
Shipwreck on a beach. Efforts being made to remove cargo in background.

TJ .91.tif
Large group photo, Men, Women and children together with 2 horses and dog taken in front of large house.

TJ .89.tif
Well dressed Man with Horse and 4 wheeled cart. Man hols whip. Cart likely to hold at least 4 persons.

TJ .88.tif
Family group in front of large house. Unclear image but several generations are in the image.

TJ .87.tif
Group of workers. Unclear as to occupation. Man on left holds handle to ? Second from left holds a saw. Fourth from left holds a wooden plane.

TJ .86.tif
Family group photo ?
Elderly bearded gentleman seated, alongside also seated but obscured is a woman. Behind the seated man is a younger man smartly dressed with another partially obscure to his right. Possibly husband, wife and two sons.

TJ .85.tif
Small groups of people standing in front of a double fronted granite house.

TJ .84.tif
Pony and 4 wheeled cart. Seated are a man together with two women seated either side of him. He wears a top hat. Another man leads the pony by its bridle.

TJ .83.tif
Family group. The husband of this group is obscured. A woman possibly his wife is standing, in front is a young woman holding a baby. To the right of the grandparents are two young girls. A small child sits on the grass.

TJ .82.tif
School group

TJ .81.tif
Family group

TJ .80.tif
Image of Woman holding book. To the side is a partial image of a man's face, on the left is the partial image of a smartly dressed young man. The centre of the image contains an ornate chair .

TJ .79.tif
Farmer standing with sheep dog at his feet. Behind are the flock of sheep.

TJ .78.tif
Family portrait. Husband with beard standing, his wife is seated holding a young child, seated next is the grandmother. Seated in front is a young girl, standing to the right of the group is an older sister

TJ .77.tif
Young woman in 2 wheeled cart, remainder of image is obscured.
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