Browse Items (104 total)

  • Collection: Trevaskis Collection

TJ 39.tif
Groom with White Horse, he holds a brush on right hand to carry out grooming.

Group of adults and children in courtyard/square.
In the foreground a dog looks at the photographer. Behind a young boy holds donkey by its bridle. In the cart coupled to the donkey sits a father with three young children. Behind stand four men and…

Tj .66.tif
Group of people posing for photo. The location is Helston at the upper end of Church Street.

TJ .94.tif
Group of three men and three women in front of double fronted granite house.

TJ .87.tif
Group of workers. Unclear as to occupation. Man on left holds handle to ? Second from left holds a saw. Fourth from left holds a wooden plane.

TJ .65.tif
Group of Men, Women and children standing outside of a shop.

TJ .90.tif
Group photo

TJ 64.tif
Workers with a team of horses pulling a trailer containing a huge tank possibly to do with local mining/quarrying activity.

TJ .38.tif
House with Man, Woman and Child looking out from a wooden balcony. Onlooker to left of image.

Image of 2 ladies leaning against wall of house together with small child.

Image of two ladies standing in cottage doorway.

TJ .80.tif
Image of Woman holding book. To the side is a partial image of a man's face, on the left is the partial image of a smartly dressed young man. The centre of the image contains an ornate chair .

TJ .75.tif
Image of Woman with young boy holding the collar of a dog.
Partially obscured to the left is a man standing. A large house is in the background.

Ken and Phyllis James ( brother and sister)
Phyllis married Telfer Waters

TJ .72.tif
Lady wearing hat and fir cape sitting in 2 wheeled cart, 3 women servants wearing aprons are standing alongside.

TJ .74.tif
Large gathering of people, many children and young people together with adults who are very smartly dressed. Location unknown or event, possibly a Gala or celebration.

Large gathering. In the foreground there are many children smartly dressed wearing boaters. Towards the back of the image are many well dressed adults together with a Police band on upper left. Gala or celebration of some sort.

TJ .91.tif
Large group photo, Men, Women and children together with 2 horses and dog taken in front of large house.

TJ .70.tif
Image of four men standing with young boy, dog sitting behind. A Woman stands to the left.
The image looks as if it was taken opposite the Duke of Leeds Pub, cottages still remain.
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