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  • Collection: Miscellaneous Glass Negatives and Lantern Slides

Three women sitting on a clifftop feeding seagulls. A man and another person can be seen in the background in the top left of the photograph.

Two women, wearing raincoats, standing in the countryside

The photograph on the left shows a man standing against a large rock, with a young girl sitting on the sand beside him.
The right-hand photograph is of a woman sitting cross-legged on the sand beside the young girl.

The top photograph is a view of the sea taken from fields.
The bottom photo is of a girl with a dog, taken in a garden beside a fruit tree.

The top photograph is of a car BCV 170 in a country lane, with the driver leaning out of his window,
In the bottom photograph a couple are standing among trees - the woman holding a dog in her arms and the man has a bag on his shoulder.

Top photograph shows a girl holding a dog in her arms and the bottom photograph is of the dog sitting.

The top photograph is a girl is a swimsuit standing in front of a large rock on a beach. The bottom photograph is a woman and man in swimwear sitting on the beach

The left hand negative is too overexposed to see anything, but the right hand negative is a photograph of a man and woman sitting on a beach.

The left hand photograph is of a man sitting at the table. The right hand one is of two women standing beside a car. Neither negative is very clear.

Two photographs:
Top photograph is of a woman holding a dog and a young girl standing amongst trees.
Bottom photo is of a young girl is a swimsuit sitting on the beach

A couple sitting against a large rock on a beach

Two women standing beside a car. The woman on the left has her arm in a sling.

Two photographs of the vessel 'Liberty' after running aground. The top photo shows the stern of the vessel and the bottom one the length of the vessel.

Two photographs. Top photograph is of the vessel 'Liberty', seemingly aground.
Bottom photo is of a woman and two young girls standing on a front door step.

Two photographs of a cat sitting on the back of a sofa in a window.

Two photograph- the top one being a view taken from a front garden looking up a street, with flowers in the foreground. The bottom photo is of a small front garden with flowers and decorative tiles.

Two photographs - the top one of a young girl standing holding a dog in a garden and the bottom one of a couple with the same dog in the same place

Two photographs of the same woman. In the top one, she is walking a dog over a field with a house in the background. In the bottom photo, the woman is standing on a path closer to the house. The house has a distinctive turret

Two photographs of an unidentified house

Two photographs - the top one of a cat lying in the sun and the other view looking up a street
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