Browse Items (115 total)

  • Collection: Armstrong

ARMS SA 048.tif
Studio portrait of a woman wearing coat, hat and a muff.

ARMS SA 047.tif
Studio portrait of a woman, man and young boy. The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration with bullrushes and a frog dressed as a dandy.

ARMS SA 044.tif
The album page is decorated with hand-painted illustration as if under the sea, with sea weed, fish, a lobster and three water babies.

ARMS SA 043.tif
The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of a child.

ARMS SA 042.tif
These appear to be older versions of the two people in ARMS SA 041. The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of blossom, bullrushes and birds, including swallows.

ARMS SA 041.tif
The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of a woman in costume and insects.

ARMS SA 040.tif
The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of flowers and cherubs. There is a tiny EA cypher at the bottom of the page.

ARMS SA 039.tif
The album page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of children by a river.

ARMS SA 037a.tif
The reverse of the photographer is annotated "For the Blat (?) with May's love and good wishes . Xmas 1884

ARMS SA 036.tif
The album page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of the moon, an owl, and two witches. It is initialled with EA in the bottom left hand corner.

ARMS SA 035.tif
The album page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of white blossom.

ARMS SA 034.tif
Head and shoulders portraits of a man wearing a checked suit. The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of a woman in fancy costume.

ARMS SA 033.tif
The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of

ARMS SA 027.tif
The page is decorated with hand-painted illustration of a gentleman standing by a balustrade.
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