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  • Collection: Serena Wadham Archive

written on the back by Serena Wadham:
'chanting at Sunderland Yoshiva
[a much better pic is available-same boy-in colour-having a b/w neg made]
this boy probably memorising a passage from the Talund.'

written on the back by Serena Wadham:
'Berl Steiner (playing △)'

Written on the back of the print by Serena Wadham: 'Rabbi Melul wearing Kaftan. He gives instruction to some of the younger boys.' (Also lines drawn by Serena Wadham
to indicate cropping of image)

Written on the back by Serena Wadham: 'A.P.S. see contact for sequence boy on r is David Ebrahinoff listening to Rabbi Wilschanski at Friday morning school "assembly'''
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