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A mother standing outside a cottage with two young children, one standing with her the other sitting on an ornate chair.

Young woman sitting bareback on a pony. In the right background sit two women. To the left is the cart in which they all probably rode to what looks like a beach.

A montage of four photos
One photo shows young woman playing a piano. The second shows possibly the same woman standing behind a tall plant. The third shows man and woman standing in front of what may be a milk cart, a young child in the background,…

Young child lying on a cushion

Young woman holding baby on her lap.

Portrait of woman in dark dress with a garland of leaves around her neck.

Woman dressed in black

Portrait of a young smartly dressed young woman

Woman sitting in the garden holding young baby

Portrait shows woman sitting on a chair. Woman is wearing a light coloured dress with a flower arrangement on left shoulder and also what appears to be opera gloves. A white sheet behind her chair aids the photographer.

The portrait shows a woman who is wearing a long black dress, sitting on a chair. The woman holds a young child who is wearing a long whit Christening robe.

The image shows a young boy standing. He is wearing a double breasted jacket and a hat , he is holding a walking stick.

The woman is dressed in back, her outfit comprises black skirt, waistcoat and short jacket. As an embellishment to the waistcoat a fancy watch chain is attached .

Woman wearing black clothing. Her outfit comprises of a rather ornate black hat, skirt and ornate lace jacket. At her throat she is wearing a Cameo brooch.

Image of sheep with horns in open pasture.

This image of a family group is very distorted. Adults and one young boy.

A day out for a party of young children together with three adults with them. The party are smartly dressed with a number of Boater type hats in evidence some with decoration. A young boy in the lower right hols a tennis racquet.

A view looking up a city street. There are a number of people walking in the distance as well as a number of horse drawn vehicles.

This image was taken in the St Austell/ Par 'Clay Country' area
In the foreground stands a worker standing on a plank holding a pole possibly to keep the waterway clear. Behind him is a large tripod which would have been used for heavy lifting.…

The image shows the main thoroughfare down to the harbour in Clovelly.The dark image shows a donkey in the foreground pulling articles in a side pannier. Further up a donkey awaits. This along with toboggans was how the houses and harbour were…
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